
Leadership starts in the home

We Just Don’t Understand

Seek first to understand, then to be understood. – Stephen Covey


The most underrated skill a person can learn is the art of understanding those we love. The great Stephen Covey said it best as he defined it in his book 7 Habits. Habit 5 is to seek first to understand and then to be understood. When was the last time you consciously said to yourself, “I am going to make an effort to understand this person?

We don’t do it with the people we are around the most, let alone strangers we come across. Why is that? It’s because it takes a lot of work to put in the effort to truly understand someone. We have to ask good questions and listen greatly. Listening greatly is more than listening. 

When we listen, we hear what they are saying. Listening greatly requires us to listen in a service mindset. Listening requires us to hear and respond. When we listen greatly we listen to try and understand how they are feeling. This is the key to making the effort to seek to understand.

Our response could be nothing in the conversation. We might not even need to give our thoughts or advice. Putting yourself in their shoes to feel what they feel. This is when we can truly have an impact and understand those we love. Why does your 6-year-old feel the way they feel when they throw a tantrum? What feeling is your teenager struggling with when they don’t want to do anything? How does it make your spouse feel when you don’t consider their point of view?

If there was one thing every leader could get better at, it is the art of understanding. If you want to truly empower those your serve at work or in your family, do everything you can to understand them. All anyone needs is someone who believes in them. When you understand who they are now and who they can become, you can be that person who lifts them up.

3 Questions To Lead To Action


  1. Who in my life do I feel I truly understand?
  2. Who in my life do I feel truly understands me?
  3. How does it make me feel when I feel understood?


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