Be The Parent You Needed
“You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough people get what they want in life.”
– Zig Ziglar
Most of what we learn as parents comes to us in two ways. The first is on the fly when we have no idea what we are doing but somehow make it work. The other is the examples we had as parent figures from our past or present. As we lead and parent our own families, we can use these two ways to learn and rely on our experience to give those we love the person they need.
When we ask ourselves who the type of parent those I am leading need at this point in their lives is, we unlock one of the most powerful tools in a leader’s tool belt, empathy. The most effective leaders can think outside of themselves and look to those who need them. The best way to do this is to try and think about your own past experiences where you were in similar situations as those you lead.
Then take it a step further and try and understand their situation. Then you can be the person that is there for them. Not the person to judge and is quick to point out faults. The person who can reach out a hand of help because you have been there before. Leadership is giving those you love not what you need but what they need for that moment in time.
3 Questions To Lead To Action
What strength do I have that I can use to help my spouse today?
What strength do I have that I can use to help my kids today?
Who is one person I can seek to understand today and show empathy?
#Empathy #ZigZiggler #Family #Parentship #Family #FamilyLead #Leadership
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